Green Screens Basics

Green Screens Basics

Green Screens Basics It is possible – likely even – that if you’ve found our website you already know about, have used, have come to know intimately or have even built your own Green Screen. But what if you haven’t? What if you are, for example, a Research Assistant...
5 Filming Techniques that Intensify Dialogue

5 Filming Techniques that Intensify Dialogue

5 Filming Techniques That Intensify Dialogue No matter how dramatic your script, bad filming can suck all of the intrigue and drama from the dialogue. In the words of Hitchcock “we don’t have pages to fill, we have a rectangular screen in a movie house.” If your shots...
B-Roll Footage – Why It’s Important

B-Roll Footage – Why It’s Important

B-Roll Footage – Why It’s Important B-roll is supplementary footage which, while not essential, can make all the difference to the end-product. In simple terms, the primary footage, or A-roll of the film, provides the content, while the B-roll is the glue...